I'm Willow Star
Stage 4 cancer and leaving my 25 year marriage helped me to become the person I always wanted to be and never made time for. I am healing my cancer mainly with alternative methods and I am tumor free!
Told you I do things differently.
hey there
My story starts in April of 2016 when I told my husband I was leaving our marriage.
Two days later I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Then, I was told that I actually had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer with a median lifespan of (drumroll please)...2.5 years.

I felt completely shocked, overwhelmed, scared and confused.
Unsure of what the future would hold, I was faced with navigating stage 4 cancer on my own. My kids were 19 and 20 and I couldn’t imagine leaving them. I didn’t know how “sick” I would be and if I would be able to work to support myself. And surprisingly, I had faith that I would be ok.
I had never really followed societal norms, so it was no surprise that I would do divorce and cancer in my own way. I needed to tap into my inner strength and find myself. I had to be brave, face my fears and take a leap of faith, and trust that everything would be ok.
I was confronted with so many questions & decisions.
What to eat?
What supplements to take?
What did my soul need to heal?
Do I follow traditional western medicine?
Do I follow my intuition and go a more holistic route towards healing my cancer?
Where the hell do I start?
I was dedicated to holistic healing and yet knew this was a very serious disease and I would probably need western medicine too.
My guiding light through it all was the decision to follow my intuition rather than fear. (I even had to fire my first two oncologists for being so fear inducing!)

Before the diagnosis, I was numb.
I was going through the motions of life, and not really living. I felt trapped and I had got comfortable being a victim of my circumstances.
Boy have things changed! I am now the opposite of a victim.
Now, I am boldy empowered to live MY life.
I spend my days dancing, singing, playing, connecting and spreading my abundance of love and knowledge for those seeking healing on all levels. I seriously can’t imagine a better life. I am far from alone. Spirit guides me and has connected me to my community. My life is a ritual, My life is a prayer.
Tap into your voice and intuition today.
Whether you’re making small shifts, or are facing big changes, all are important and deserve to be held with a caring support system. No matter how crazy your life might seem, trust me, I “get” it. I am ready to meet you right where you are with love and compassion.